SilverBlaze – Your Online Portal
Back to HomeSilverBlaze is a tool that will allow customers to manage their account online. Once registered for SilverBlaze, you will be able to do the following:
- Analyze and view past energy consumption (up to the previous day’s consumption),
- Create notifications that will advise when you reach usage thresholds,
- Sign up for paperless billing (e-billing), and
- Much more.
How to Register for SilverBlaze

Before beginning the registration process, please make sure you have a copy of your recent hydro bill. You will need information from your bill in order to register for SilverBlaze. Click the Create New SilverBlaze Profile button below to get started.
Notice of Collection
Your personal information is collected on the SilverBlaze new user registration form by Welland Hydro-Electric System Corp. (“Welland Hydro”) under the authority of the Electricity Act, S.O. 1998, Chapter 15, Schedule A. Personal information will be used only for the purposes set out in Your Privacy at Welland Hydro.
If you have any questions about this collection, the ways in which your personal information may be used by Welland Hydro, or would like further information about Welland Hydro’s privacy policies, please contact the Privacy Officer by telephone at 905-732-1381 or by email at