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Customer Request - RPP Declaration Form for Multi-Unit Residential Buildings

  • Regulated Price Plan - Declaration Form for Multi-Unit Residential Building

    The Regulated Price Plan (RPP) is available to businesses in a Class B Global Adjustment status with electricity consumption of 250,000 kWh or less annually.

    Bulk metered customers who own or manage a building that have multiple residential units, may declare this information to qualify for the current RPP Time-of-Use (TOU) or Tiered rates for each residential unit.
  • Please select which of the options (below) verifies the eligibility of your multi-unit residential account for RPP rates.

    More information related to information contained in the Acts listed below can be found at:

  • Select the RPP rate structure you would like to move your eligible multi-unit residential building to.

    *** Please note you would also use this form to switch back to the Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP) if you are currently paying TOU or Tiered rates.***

  • Welland Hydro - Account Information

  • Enter your full 10-digit Welland Hydro account number (including leading zeros).
  • Indicate the number of units billed through the eligible account for which you are self-declaring. If there are units in your building/complex that are separately metered and/or billed from the account referenced, do not include them in the total number of units for this account.
    Please enter a number from 1 to 9999.
  • Enter the name of the current account holder for the RPP Eligible Multi-Unit Residential Building.
  • Provide the email address of the current account holder for the RPP Eligible Multi-Unit Residential Building.
  • Enter the phone number of the current account holder for the RPP Eligible Multi-Unit Residential Building.
  • Authorization and Confirmation

  • Collection of Personal Information

    NOTICE OF COLLECTION: Your personal information is collected on this form by Welland Hydro-Electric System Corp. (“Welland Hydro”) under the authority of the Electricity Act, S.O. 1998, Chapter 15, Schedule A. Welland Hydro will only use personal information for the purpose for which it was collected unless consent is given by the individual to use or disclose it for another purpose. Under certain exceptional circumstances, Welland Hydro may have a legal duty or right to disclose personal information without the individual's knowledge or consent. If you have further questions about this collection, or the ways in which your personal information may be used by Welland Hydro, please contact the Privacy Officer by telephone at 905-732-1381, ext. 233, or by email at
  • Submit My RPP Declaration Form for Multi-Unit Residential Building Form

    By selecting the "Submit My RPP Declaration Form for Multi-Unit Residential Building Form" button below, the request will be sent for processing.