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Notice of Cost of Service Application – Case Number EB-2024-0058
Welland Hydro has applied to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) to change its electricity distribution rates effective May 1, 2025.
- To review the notice and full application, including all models and evidence, please visit the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) website.
- Notice of Rate Hearing:
Electricity Utility Scorecards
Utility scorecards track and show comprehensive performance information for each electricity utility in Ontario, over a range of time and for a specific year.
View Welland Hydro’s 2023 Scorecard
Customer Service Rules
There are specific rules governing customer service that all electricity utilities must follow. No matter where you live in the province, you can expect a similar level of service from your electricity utility or unit sub-meter provider.
Welland Hydro’s Conditions of Service
Information related to the services offered by Welland Hydro and the conditions associated with them.